Chief of Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation (KZA) Wilfred N. King stands with National Chief Perry Bellegarde, AJ Esquega, Cara Sanders, and Darrell Brown at the Giizis Energy Solar Storage Micro Grid Facility’s Project Celebration Ceremony on August 16, 2019.
The strength of the wolf lies in the pack.
Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek
Gull Bay First Nation is an Ojibway Nation located on the western shores of Lake Nipigon and the surrounding territory. It is roughly a 200 km drive north from the closest urban city of Thunder Bay, Ontario, and has a registered population of approximately 1,375 Citizens residing on and off reserve.
Our success hinges on a sustainable model that leverages the skills and expertise of a highly motivated professional Board of Directors who work closely with staff and community members to ensure cohesion and vision. The majority of the Board of Directors are voted directly by the membership (members of KZA) and are responsible and accountable to the members. The corporation has been set up in a way that protects the interests of the members, and not corporations or political entities.
Ma’iingan Development Inc.’s vision is captured in our purpose statement “The strength of the wolf lies in the pack.” The wolf represents a great hunter, providing for the pack and highlighting the importance of a tight-knit kinship group to ensure survival. For Anishinaabe people, the wolf is an important leader and one of our closest relatives. The work of the corporation lies in the dynamic of a wolf pack where the leaders always have the group’s interests at heart. Along with the Lower Mattagami and Peter Sutherland Senior hydro generation projects, the Gull Bay microgrid collaboration is OPG’s fifth development project with an Indigenous community.